Following the flood and fires of 1997, Commission efforts were focused on identifying and protecting endangered historic properties. Between 1997 and 2005, the Commission was instrumental in saving many significant properties (including the Metropolitan Opera House, St. Michael’s Hospital and Nurses’ Residence, South Junior High School, the east side of Third Street, the east side of Reeves Drive, and numerous individual historic homes) from demolition. In recognition of its work, the commission received the 2005 Preservation North Dakota Legacy Award.
Since 2000, the Commission has also surveyed and listed five historic districts: the Near Southside Historic District, the Downtown Grand Forks Historic District, the Riverside Historic District, the University of North Dakota Historic District and recently, the Baukol Historic District in the Riverside neighborhood.
The Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission has also completed several projects including National Register nominations, HABS (Historic American Building Survey) reports, a HAER (Historic American Engineering Report) and a Windshield Survey. Click here to learn more about each of these projects.
Historical Overview ↗

Grand Forks is a river town founded by riverboat captain Alexander Griggs, in 1872. Its first streets and buildings were oriented to the river and its traffic.
Historic Buildings ↗

Grand Forks is home to a number of individually listed or multiple property listings in the National Register of Historic Places.
Resources ↗

Get to know a list of resources and best practices for homeowners wishing to make restoration work to their homes..