For service to North Dakota and, especially, Grand Forks as anthropologist, educator, researcher, and master gardener, Fred Schneider has earned the admiration and friendship of his cohorts. The body of his research into the growth and use of traditional Native American plants and his decades of archaeological site research in North Dakota have contributed greatly to our understanding of the pre-European period. Fred served on the Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission, donating hundreds of hours to the preservation of our built environment in addition to answering special calls to worksites where archaeological artifacts were discovered that required immediate classification. Those calls were not infrequent in the years following the flood of 1997. During his years here, Dr. Schneider also built an important collection of postcards picturing historic Grand Forks and personal photographs of Grand Forks before and after the 1997 flood, which he donated to the University of North Dakota.
For his ongoing commitment to the heritage of our land and peoples, and for his dedication to sharing that heritage with others, the Grand Forks Historic Preservation Commission is proud to present the 2006 Alexander Griggs Award to Fred Schneider.